Sunday, October 9, 2011

Four Generations of LOVE

Mrs. Yamaguchi, grandmother to Clarissa and Mikaylie, my children's classmates and mother to my dear friend Kerri, has been one of the biggest supporters of my new business.  Last summer, I recall telling her that I launched a website and was immediately welcomed with a warm smile and encouraging words.  A few weeks later, she delivered photography equipment that had belonged to her late father.  Over the last 6 years, I have sat on basketball benches, accompanied her as a chaperon on field trips, watched her hop in and out of town on 6 hour drives to see  her granddaughter’s holiday programs or school plays.  So when she asked if I would take their family photos, 4 generations of family, I was honored, I was excited, I was nervous.  Fifteen family members including great obachan, Mr. and Mrs. Yamaguchi, their three daughters and their husbands, and 4 kids between the ages of 11 and 3---- PLUS 2-year old twins.  Attire was discussed and Pasadena City Hall and the surrounding area was selected as the location.  Although, I must confess, I barely slept a wink the night before. 
As the family arrived and I could see their smiles and the sound of giggles and conversations, I started to snap away.   Capturing a period in time and the way those people felt towards each other is a main focus of my photography.  If you look closely, I think you will feel the LOVE.


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© Carolyn Gail Photography
CoffeeShop Designs