Monday, November 28, 2011


A tour of the fire station and a ride in the fire engine was just as cool as I remember it being years ago on a school field trip.  Although the location was a hit, this family was the highlight of this photo shoot.  I’ve been lucky enough to have known Stefany since kindergarten at McKinley Elementary School.  We became best friends and were inseparable most of our school years.  Stefany has been there for almost every major life event in addition to all the small things in between.  Our friendship is too special to take for granted.  In fact, I can’t imagine my life without her.  Some people say that friendship shouldn’t be measured by the number of years you’ve been friends but there sure is something to say about friends that have come into your life and never left your side.
After 37 years of friendship, it sure is a joy to see Stefany with her family.  I know how much she has always dreamed of starting her own family.  I can still remember running home afterschool to watch Police and Duran Duran music videos with Martha Quinn on MTV.  Will never forget reading a note on Hello Kitty stationary from Stefany telling me that she would marry Andy Summers from the Police one day….ha HA HA!   So many dreams, so many memories---treasured.  Stef---here’s to you for giving me the best gift anyone can ask for! 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Role of a Lifetime

“Beautiful inside and out”, may be cliché’ but not so much when it comes to this family.  They are truly beautiful people that I have enjoyed getting to know this past year.  Always a pleasure to be around their warm and kind spirit.

Learning about their past life in Taiwan was fascinating.  The successes and titles this couple share – just to name a few ….musician, airline attendant, artist, architect and business entrepreneur – bringing Sharper Image and Coffee Bean to China—wow!  Although when speaking with them, their role as parents is the one that brings a twinkle to their eye.  Together as family, they work hard and play hard.  It’s obvious that nothing compares to the role they play as parents. 

Being a parent is by far the most rewarding role I have ever taken.  I am so thankful for the opportunity to be a parent and thank God and every lucky star in the universe for my kids.  Focused on all that we want for them, we often become preoccupied by ….are they studying enough, eating enough, sleeping enough, being respectful enough, appreciative enough, practicing sports enough or happy enough?  Plain and simple, this Thanksgiving, I am going to be GRATEFUL for their BEING.   This Thanksgiving, I will tell them that they are wonderful just the way they are.  They are loved right now in this moment and forever.   

Friends, remember to count your blessings.  Imagine that this day is the first and last of your life.  Treasure it and all around you. 

Sunday, November 13, 2011

One Special Teacher

It’s pretty cool to think how influential two of the individuals in these photos have been in helping me to raise my children.  Before Cole entered kindergarten, I excitedly signed up for a class offered by the Arcadia Unified School District.  “7 Strategies for Developing Capable Students” was the name of the class based from the book written by H. Stephen Glenn, Ph.D., and Michael L. B rock, M.A.  Sandy McGrath taught the class, which focused on the importance of providing a nurturing environment that is essential for children’s success and happiness in school, as well as in all phases of life.  Helping children feel capable of doing things for themselves, thereby empowering them to handle school responsibilities with confidence.  Helping children feel unconditionally loved and as a result feeling the sense of belonging and significance, thereby allowing them to start school each morning know that who they are is not determined by their level of achievement.  These examples are just a few of the things this class and book teaches.  So glad I pulled this book off the book shelf for reference as I think its time to read it again—as I probably will again in another couple of years.  One of my favorite tips from the book is this…..

“Teach children that mistakes are essential to learning.  Don’t ask, “Why did you make that mistake?”  Ask instead “What did you learn from that mistake?”

Ms. McGrath, a.k.a. “Melinda McGrath” is the other influential piece---, big piece!  Last year, Cole was very fortunate to have her for 5th grade.  Ms. McGrath is one of those teachers that you don’t forget.  Not only does she teach the standards but she is one of those teachers that care about the whole child.  Each time I bump into this quote, I think of her…..

An understanding heart is everything in a teacher,
And cannot be esteemed highly enough.  One looks
back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but
with gratitude to those who touched our human feeling.
The curriculum is so much necessary raw material,
But warmth is the vital element for the growing plant
And for the soul of the child. – Carl Jung

I enjoyed photographing this special family.  I love that they were able to convince Grandma Mary to come out for the shoot.  I love this picture of her.  And all the rain we were supposed to get....worried  for nothing! 

Thursday, November 10, 2011


The word “gracious” comes to mind when I think of my friend Barbara.  Gracious (adjective) characterized by kindness, warm courtesy and generosity of spirit; “gracious even to unexpected visitors”; of a merciful or compassionate nature; he bears insult with gracious good humor. Barbara came to America in the 90’s to go to college.  While she was here, she met her husband—and ended up becoming an Italian American.

I can still remember Barbara walking into Outdoor Services in 1998.  In her Italian-Scottish accent, she introduced herself.  Once you hear Barbara speak, you can’t help but fall for her warm Italian spirit.  Many of her co-workers would walk into her office in the late afternoon, just so we could hear her offer us a “coooookie”.  What a treat it was to hear her say that word and of course the Italian biscotti was the icing on top.

Barbara and I were assigned to work on the Universal McCann business.  Side by side we shared deadlines, long meetings, parties, travel, presentations and a friendship.  Over a 10-year period, we survived the dot com craze, the new millennium, 9/11, pregnancy and sleepless nights.  As our families grew, we both had to leave our exciting life in the outdoor media world.  Luckily, our friendship continues to graciously grow.  I am so glad that Barbara decided to come to America.  I adore my gracious Italian friend and her family.   

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Photos are one of the most personal items you can give to someone to mark a special occasion.  I am  thankful for the opportunity to help Linda with a surprise birthday gift for her husband.  Very thankful also for the chance to see Linda again since our days at SGHS.
Linda selected the Huntington Library for our photo shoot location.  We laughed at the thought that we must have driven by this library a million times in high school, on our way to Pasadena or for a joy ride through Frankenstein lane. Trees and shrubs with colorful foliage, fall blooming flowers, along with the sound of giggling little boys chasing squirrels through the gardens made this photo shoot such a fun and enjoyable outing.

Looking straight out of a children’s holiday catalog,  Linda's little cuties were a pleasure to work with.  Watching her hold them in her arms and laughing as they rolled around in the grass, made me realize how quickly time flies.  I hope these photos will help them remember and treasure these special times.   

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Model of Fitness

Headshots to eventually be hung on the walls at Arcadia Fitness was the goal for my photoshoot with Evie last Saturday.  We begun in my backyard and then headed to the park for some new light. 

The park was full of late Saturday afternoon fun.  Kids playing hide and go seek, birthday parties, bicycles, giggles and screams.  Amongst all the park "hub bub", we eventually moved over to the grass,  where Evie agreed to pose for the camera with some of her favorite Pilates exercises.  There we were amongst the park 'madness", shooting away.  Evie, every bit the fitness model and I the "wanna be" Fitness magazine photographer--ha ha!  What a fun shoot--I had a blast!

Evie Mathieson is the voice over the phone that Hugo Reid parents will usually hear when they need to pick up their sick child from school or in my case that your daughter has broke her arm and that I should come RIGHT away!  Working with children, parents, teachers and staff, an elementary school office could be one wild but fun place to be--5 days a week.  I always wondered how Evie maintained her cool spirit.  Until one day, I found out her secret weapon - Pilates (puh-LAH-teez), an exercise system that is focused on building strength, improving flexibility and agility, and helping to prevent injury. It was developed in the 1920s by Joseph H. Pilates, who was a physical trainer and founder of The New York Pilates Studio®. It involves a series of controlled movements that engage both your body and mind. It was initially created for rehabilitation, but was later adopted by dancers and athletes and is now utilized by millions.

Evie is a certified Pilates instructor and teaches at Arcadia Fitness, The Center for Well Being in Sierra Madre and One2onept Pilates studio in Monrovia, where she conducts private and duet sessions.  The joy of movement, increased flexibility and strength, greater confidence, ease of daily activities and decreased stress are some of the benefits Evie promises you will achieve through regular practice of Pilates.  Her fan club (myself included) can attest to these promises.  For more information, please contact Evie at  

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Four Generations of LOVE

Mrs. Yamaguchi, grandmother to Clarissa and Mikaylie, my children's classmates and mother to my dear friend Kerri, has been one of the biggest supporters of my new business.  Last summer, I recall telling her that I launched a website and was immediately welcomed with a warm smile and encouraging words.  A few weeks later, she delivered photography equipment that had belonged to her late father.  Over the last 6 years, I have sat on basketball benches, accompanied her as a chaperon on field trips, watched her hop in and out of town on 6 hour drives to see  her granddaughter’s holiday programs or school plays.  So when she asked if I would take their family photos, 4 generations of family, I was honored, I was excited, I was nervous.  Fifteen family members including great obachan, Mr. and Mrs. Yamaguchi, their three daughters and their husbands, and 4 kids between the ages of 11 and 3---- PLUS 2-year old twins.  Attire was discussed and Pasadena City Hall and the surrounding area was selected as the location.  Although, I must confess, I barely slept a wink the night before. 
As the family arrived and I could see their smiles and the sound of giggles and conversations, I started to snap away.   Capturing a period in time and the way those people felt towards each other is a main focus of my photography.  If you look closely, I think you will feel the LOVE.


© Carolyn Gail Photography
CoffeeShop Designs