Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Candids with the Dowell Family

A candid photograph is a photograph that is made when your subject is captured unposed, capturing the spontaneity of a moment, creating the photo to appear more natural and real life.  The icing on a candid photograph happens when you photograph more than one person in an image at a time – it introduces “relationship” into the shot. Spontaneous shots of families such as the Dowell family tell a story of the family and offer emotion as we the viewer observe how the subjects are connected.

I thoroughly enjoyed my time with the Dowell family.  The occasion for the shoot was to capture the milestone of Claire’s first birthday.  Grandparents were in town to celebrate and helped to make the photos so precious, so priceless.  Claire and her brothers were the perfect subjects for candid photography.  I love all of the spontaneous looks on their faces and gestures.  There are years and years that we will be able to count on them all sitting properly and doing exactly what they are told.  But for now, my camera wanted to eat up all of their cuteness and spontaneous energy.

 Although candid photography is one of my favorites, posed and more formal portraits are also nice as its fun to plan and create pieces of art.  With the Dowell family, I was pleased that we were able to do both.


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© Carolyn Gail Photography
CoffeeShop Designs