Monday, November 28, 2011


A tour of the fire station and a ride in the fire engine was just as cool as I remember it being years ago on a school field trip.  Although the location was a hit, this family was the highlight of this photo shoot.  I’ve been lucky enough to have known Stefany since kindergarten at McKinley Elementary School.  We became best friends and were inseparable most of our school years.  Stefany has been there for almost every major life event in addition to all the small things in between.  Our friendship is too special to take for granted.  In fact, I can’t imagine my life without her.  Some people say that friendship shouldn’t be measured by the number of years you’ve been friends but there sure is something to say about friends that have come into your life and never left your side.
After 37 years of friendship, it sure is a joy to see Stefany with her family.  I know how much she has always dreamed of starting her own family.  I can still remember running home afterschool to watch Police and Duran Duran music videos with Martha Quinn on MTV.  Will never forget reading a note on Hello Kitty stationary from Stefany telling me that she would marry Andy Summers from the Police one day….ha HA HA!   So many dreams, so many memories---treasured.  Stef---here’s to you for giving me the best gift anyone can ask for! 


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