What an honor to be asked to photograph "Parents Night" out at the last 2012 Arcadia Apache Football home game. As each player's name was called and they walked "hand in hand" or "arm and arm" with their family down the field, it was an emotional view behind my lens.
Having spent many nights on the sidelines as a high school and college cheerleader (many moons ago), I can still remember the excitement, fun and thrill behind all of those games. 25 years fast forward , and I am much different because I am a parent of two children and watching the game with new perspective. Each of those boys on that field, has parents. Parents, who along with them, share in the sweat, tears and sacrifices they all make to play the game.
It has been a pleasure to watch these parents cheer and beam with pride as they watch their boys play a game they have so much passion for. I wish all of these boys and their families the best. And to the graduating seniors----- I hope the dedication you have given to yourself and your team, brings you lasting memories and leads you to the start of a new successful path.
Just look at all of these beaming parents......
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Cris and Aleni are the sweetest couple you will ever meet and I had such a great time capturing the love they have for their family. My session with the Sunadas could hardly be considered a working one. Not only is this family just fun to hang out with, they are easy going and in many of the shots, the girls came up with their own poses. They would move into a new pose and then another and all I could think was, "you are making this way too easy"....but I love it!
The location for a majority of our shoot was Pasadena City Hall . I'm convinced Pasadena must have the most beautiful city hall in the west. And luckily--- we were able to chase the sun and finish the shoot before the early sunset.
While editing these photos, I couldn't help but smile looking at the sweet giggles and love between the two girls. Being a mom, I know how nice it is to have beautiful photographs of the people we love. But it goes deeper than that. Seeing our children in this ideal state (happy, carefree and perfect) moves us. A photograph captures a moment in time and allows us to revisit it again and again. And with kids who are constantly growing and changing, a photograph allows us to hold on to them a littler longer.
Watching my kids grow creates a tiny bit of an ache in my heart. As much as I love who they are and who they’re becoming, I can't help but miss the younger versions, who I can only visit in photographs.
Hoping these photographs will become treasures that Aleni and Cris can hold onto for a lifetime.
The location for a majority of our shoot was Pasadena City Hall . I'm convinced Pasadena must have the most beautiful city hall in the west. And luckily--- we were able to chase the sun and finish the shoot before the early sunset.
While editing these photos, I couldn't help but smile looking at the sweet giggles and love between the two girls. Being a mom, I know how nice it is to have beautiful photographs of the people we love. But it goes deeper than that. Seeing our children in this ideal state (happy, carefree and perfect) moves us. A photograph captures a moment in time and allows us to revisit it again and again. And with kids who are constantly growing and changing, a photograph allows us to hold on to them a littler longer.
Hoping these photographs will become treasures that Aleni and Cris can hold onto for a lifetime.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Celebrating Kaylie, 18 years today!

Scholar Athlete
Definitely time to catch up on blogging before the joys and craziness of the holidays begin! The weather finally feels like fall and so it finally feels like football season now that we can put a sweater on and enjoy our favorite fall recipes.
It was an honor to take senior pictures for Jordan Stellern over the summer. Not only is this young man an Apache Varsity Football and Basketball player, he is part of the scholar athlete club and overall great kid.
Apache pride was in full force this past Friday as they celebrated homecoming and a 49-6 win over Hoover. What a thrill to hear his name over the loudspeaker for an interception and other great plays. I can only imagine how his parents felt.
Expecting great things from this young man as he prepares for college and a new chapter in his life. Wishing him much happiness and success always!
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Candids with the Dowell Family
A candid photograph is a photograph that is made when your subject is captured unposed, capturing the spontaneity of a moment, creating the photo to appear more natural and real life. The icing on a candid photograph happens when you photograph more than one person in an image at a time – it introduces “relationship” into the shot. Spontaneous shots of families such as the Dowell family tell a story of the family and offer emotion as we the viewer observe how the subjects are connected.
I thoroughly enjoyed my time with the Dowell family. The occasion for the shoot was to capture the milestone of Claire’s first birthday. Grandparents were in town to celebrate and helped to make the photos so precious, so priceless. Claire and her brothers were the perfect subjects for candid photography. I love all of the spontaneous looks on their faces and gestures. There are years and years that we will be able to count on them all sitting properly and doing exactly what they are told. But for now, my camera wanted to eat up all of their cuteness and spontaneous energy.
Although candid photography is one of my favorites, posed and more formal portraits are also nice as its fun to plan and create pieces of art. With the Dowell family, I was pleased that we were able to do both.
Monday, November 28, 2011
A tour of the fire station and a ride in the fire engine was just as cool as I remember it being years ago on a school field trip. Although the location was a hit, this family was the highlight of this photo shoot. I’ve been lucky enough to have known Stefany since kindergarten at McKinley Elementary School. We became best friends and were inseparable most of our school years. Stefany has been there for almost every major life event in addition to all the small things in between. Our friendship is too special to take for granted. In fact, I can’t imagine my life without her. Some people say that friendship shouldn’t be measured by the number of years you’ve been friends but there sure is something to say about friends that have come into your life and never left your side.
After 37 years of friendship, it sure is a joy to see Stefany with her family. I know how much she has always dreamed of starting her own family. I can still remember running home afterschool to watch Police and Duran Duran music videos with Martha Quinn on MTV. Will never forget reading a note on Hello Kitty stationary from Stefany telling me that she would marry Andy Summers from the Police one day….ha HA HA! So many dreams, so many memories---treasured. Stef---here’s to you for giving me the best gift anyone can ask for!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
The Role of a Lifetime
“Beautiful inside and out”, may be cliché’ but not so much when it comes to this family. They are truly beautiful people that I have enjoyed getting to know this past year. Always a pleasure to be around their warm and kind spirit.
Learning about their past life in Taiwan was fascinating. The successes and titles this couple share – just to name a few ….musician, airline attendant, artist, architect and business entrepreneur – bringing Sharper Image and Coffee Bean to China—wow! Although when speaking with them, their role as parents is the one that brings a twinkle to their eye. Together as family, they work hard and play hard. It’s obvious that nothing compares to the role they play as parents.
Being a parent is by far the most rewarding role I have ever taken. I am so thankful for the opportunity to be a parent and thank God and every lucky star in the universe for my kids. Focused on all that we want for them, we often become preoccupied by ….are they studying enough, eating enough, sleeping enough, being respectful enough, appreciative enough, practicing sports enough or happy enough? Plain and simple, this Thanksgiving, I am going to be GRATEFUL for their BEING. This Thanksgiving, I will tell them that they are wonderful just the way they are. They are loved right now in this moment and forever.
Friends, remember to count your blessings. Imagine that this day is the first and last of your life. Treasure it and all around you.
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