“Beautiful inside and out”, may be cliché’ but not so much when it comes to this family. They are truly beautiful people that I have enjoyed getting to know this past year. Always a pleasure to be around their warm and kind spirit.
Learning about their past life in Taiwan was fascinating. The successes and titles this couple share – just to name a few ….musician, airline attendant, artist, architect and business entrepreneur – bringing Sharper Image and Coffee Bean to China—wow! Although when speaking with them, their role as parents is the one that brings a twinkle to their eye. Together as family, they work hard and play hard. It’s obvious that nothing compares to the role they play as parents.
Being a parent is by far the most rewarding role I have ever taken. I am so thankful for the opportunity to be a parent and thank God and every lucky star in the universe for my kids. Focused on all that we want for them, we often become preoccupied by ….are they studying enough, eating enough, sleeping enough, being respectful enough, appreciative enough, practicing sports enough or happy enough? Plain and simple, this Thanksgiving, I am going to be GRATEFUL for their BEING. This Thanksgiving, I will tell them that they are wonderful just the way they are. They are loved right now in this moment and forever.
Friends, remember to count your blessings. Imagine that this day is the first and last of your life. Treasure it and all around you.
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