Thursday, November 10, 2011


The word “gracious” comes to mind when I think of my friend Barbara.  Gracious (adjective) characterized by kindness, warm courtesy and generosity of spirit; “gracious even to unexpected visitors”; of a merciful or compassionate nature; he bears insult with gracious good humor. Barbara came to America in the 90’s to go to college.  While she was here, she met her husband—and ended up becoming an Italian American.

I can still remember Barbara walking into Outdoor Services in 1998.  In her Italian-Scottish accent, she introduced herself.  Once you hear Barbara speak, you can’t help but fall for her warm Italian spirit.  Many of her co-workers would walk into her office in the late afternoon, just so we could hear her offer us a “coooookie”.  What a treat it was to hear her say that word and of course the Italian biscotti was the icing on top.

Barbara and I were assigned to work on the Universal McCann business.  Side by side we shared deadlines, long meetings, parties, travel, presentations and a friendship.  Over a 10-year period, we survived the dot com craze, the new millennium, 9/11, pregnancy and sleepless nights.  As our families grew, we both had to leave our exciting life in the outdoor media world.  Luckily, our friendship continues to graciously grow.  I am so glad that Barbara decided to come to America.  I adore my gracious Italian friend and her family.   


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