Sunday, November 13, 2011

One Special Teacher

It’s pretty cool to think how influential two of the individuals in these photos have been in helping me to raise my children.  Before Cole entered kindergarten, I excitedly signed up for a class offered by the Arcadia Unified School District.  “7 Strategies for Developing Capable Students” was the name of the class based from the book written by H. Stephen Glenn, Ph.D., and Michael L. B rock, M.A.  Sandy McGrath taught the class, which focused on the importance of providing a nurturing environment that is essential for children’s success and happiness in school, as well as in all phases of life.  Helping children feel capable of doing things for themselves, thereby empowering them to handle school responsibilities with confidence.  Helping children feel unconditionally loved and as a result feeling the sense of belonging and significance, thereby allowing them to start school each morning know that who they are is not determined by their level of achievement.  These examples are just a few of the things this class and book teaches.  So glad I pulled this book off the book shelf for reference as I think its time to read it again—as I probably will again in another couple of years.  One of my favorite tips from the book is this…..

“Teach children that mistakes are essential to learning.  Don’t ask, “Why did you make that mistake?”  Ask instead “What did you learn from that mistake?”

Ms. McGrath, a.k.a. “Melinda McGrath” is the other influential piece---, big piece!  Last year, Cole was very fortunate to have her for 5th grade.  Ms. McGrath is one of those teachers that you don’t forget.  Not only does she teach the standards but she is one of those teachers that care about the whole child.  Each time I bump into this quote, I think of her…..

An understanding heart is everything in a teacher,
And cannot be esteemed highly enough.  One looks
back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but
with gratitude to those who touched our human feeling.
The curriculum is so much necessary raw material,
But warmth is the vital element for the growing plant
And for the soul of the child. – Carl Jung

I enjoyed photographing this special family.  I love that they were able to convince Grandma Mary to come out for the shoot.  I love this picture of her.  And all the rain we were supposed to get....worried  for nothing! 


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